About us

Our Team

Our executive team has years of experience in management at various top U.S. media companies. This extensive experience on the corporate side of credit and collections gives us an expertise in the understanding of every possible angle in helping companies with the efficient collection of their Accounts Receivable portfolios. This includes knowledge at all levels of sales, accounting, collections, and legal. Over the last 10 years, the MMG team has become well known in the media and advertising industry for their ability to mediate and resolve even the most challenging collection matters.

Our Attorneys

Our attorneys specialize in collection law, and are among the country's top legal collection specialists in the field. They are actively involved in the Commercial Law League and the Bar Association, and they serve as panel arbitrators for the Dispute Resolution Service. We also have a specialist who focuses primarily on the enforcement of judgments, provisional remedies, and fraudulent transfer issues. Our legal team has authored several major writings on collection law, including sections of Debt Collection and Enforcement of Judgments - a 2 volume, 25 chapter practice guide for attorneys published by Lexis Nexis' Matthew Bender (which provides an overview of the entire debt collection process and discusses the various causes of action to raise in litigating debt collection cases).



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Includes the acclaimed “DEBTOR WARNING” list. Sign-up and receive email alerts to check the latest media debtors against your aging and learn about the newest, most advanced collection techniques.


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MMG Media Collections
Phone: 818.346.4600 . Fax: 818.346.4601